Burn Scar Treatment​​​​​​​

Burn Scar Treatment​​​​​​​

Burns can damage the skin and underlying tissues, causing aesthetic and functional losses. Scars and deformities left after burn healing can affect individuals physically and psychologically. Burn scar treatment is an essential area of modern plastic surgery and aims to improve the quality of life.

Treatment Methods for Burn Scars

  1. Surgical Treatment:
    Extensive and deep burn scars can be treated with skin grafts, tissue expansion techniques, and free tissue transfers.

  2. Laser Therapy:
    Laser therapy is widely used to improve the color and texture of burn scars.

  3. Steroid Injections:
    It is an effective method to reduce and soften keloid and hypertrophic scars.

  4. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation:
    It is essential to prevent contractures and improve mobility.

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