Sunny Days and Happy Faces 2 - SUNBURNS

Sunny Days and Happy Faces 2 - SUNBURNS

We bought the right sunscreen, but we stayed in the water for over an hour, and while outdoors, we didn't reapply sunscreen after two hours on the beach. The result: SUNBURN.

These are usually first-degree burns, and taking a cold shower or using aloe vera creams can provide relief. It is essential to drink plenty of WATER. Pain relievers containing paracetamol or ibuprofen are usually sufficient.

If there are fluid-filled blisters within the sunburn area, it indicates a second-degree burn. Do not peel or scratch these blisters (bullae). If these second-degree areas cover the entire back, the entire front torso, or the face, and you develop a fever or headache, you must consult a doctor.

We should also remember that frequent sunburns during childhood can lead to skin cancer later in life. While benefiting from the sun, we must protect ourselves from its harmful effects.

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