Female Genital Aesthetic Applications: Labiaplasty

Female Genital Aesthetic Applications: Labiaplasty

Over the last 10 years, the number of women undergoing labiaplasty surgery has increased by 600%. We can say that the widespread use of the internet is one of the most important reasons for this rise. In the digital age, women search for answers to many questions about their genital appearance by writing on Google. The first question often asked is, "Am I normal? Do I have a normal anatomical structure?" Once the issue is identified, the search for a solution begins. The three main reasons women consider labiaplasty are discomfort with aesthetic appearance, frequent vaginal infections, and difficulties in sexual life. If you think you need labiaplasty surgery, you should definitely consult doctors specializing in this area (plastic surgeons or gynecologists).

Labiaplasty surgery is a very safe procedure and, when performed by the right doctors, results in rapid recovery in a short time. As with all aesthetic surgeries, weight control is important before the operation. Approximately 30% of obese patients experience external genital area problems such as rectocele or cystocele. Therefore, as in every plastic surgery, losing weight is essential before undergoing labiaplasty.

If labiaplasty surgery is not combined with another procedure (such as breast reduction or augmentation), it can be performed under sedation and local anesthesia. During the operation, the excess skin in the labia minora that disrupts the aesthetic appearance is removed, and if necessary, fat injections can be applied to the labia majora. Stitches do not need to be removed after the surgery. Elevation and ice application are recommended for 1 week. Returning to work after 3 days of rest is generally not problematic.

It would be appropriate to approach this issue with the understanding that every problem has a solution.

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