B is for Toksin Uygulamaları: An Alphabet Book for the Middle-Aged (Rose and Kathryn Petras)
I absolutely loved this book! It's wonderful, and I'm sharing the cover here. As a Plastic Surgeon, my perspective is: let's do yoga, but let's also consider Toksin Uygulamaları. If you frequently use your facial muscles (frowning, smiling, etc.) and are starting to see lines on your forehead or around your eyes, I'd say don't hesitate—get Toksin Uygulamaları done. Don't wait for aging or deep wrinkles to settle in; think of Toksin Uygulamaları as a preventative treatment.
A new note: We Plastic Surgeons now aim, on our professional discussion platforms, to treat wrinkles without completely paralyzing facial muscles. This approach helps you achieve a refreshed and lively appearance without completely eliminating natural facial expressions.
And L is for LIPOSUCTION...