Prominent Ear (Otoplasty)

Prominent Ear (Otoplasty)

Prominent ear is characterized by a congenital or developmental condition in which the ears are large, protruding, and lack the natural folds that give them their shape. Prominent ears can be corrected with otoplasty surgery, which repositions the ears to a more suitable angle with the face and creates the natural folds. Otoplasty helps achieve a natural appearance while balancing the proportions between the face and ears. Correcting not only large, noticeable ears but also minor deformities can positively impact a person's self-confidence and overall appearance.

Since the ear's anatomical growth and placement are considered complete by the age of 5, the most appropriate time for this surgery is the preschool period. When performed during this time, children with prominent ears are protected from the psychological trauma that this condition might cause. However, adults can also undergo the surgery to eliminate the negative appearance caused by prominent ears.

Otoplasty should be performed under proper surgical conditions and anesthesia. For both adults and children, the surgery can be done under sedation, providing a sleep-like state without full anesthesia. The surgery is performed by making an incision behind the ear and shaping the ear with permanent sutures to achieve the desired angle and shape. The incision behind the ear is permanent but placed in an anatomical groove, making it unnoticeable even if the hair is tied up. You should quit smoking at least 4 weeks before the surgery and stop taking dietary supplements, herbal teas, and aspirin at least 10 days before the procedure.

After the surgery, there will be a large dressing and small drains, but these drains are removed, and the dressing is reduced the next day. Once the dressing is removed, the ears may appear swollen and red, which is normal and nothing to worry about. Following the removal of the dressing, a loose headband should be worn. It is important to wear this headband during the day for 2 weeks and at night for 6 weeks. Especially at night, the headband prevents the ears from folding or disrupting the stitches as you turn from side to side.

Otoplasty is not a painful surgical procedure. Since the surgery is performed under local anesthesia, there is no significant pain on the first day, and mild painkillers are enough to manage the acute postoperative period. The ears will take their final shape, and the swelling will subside within 6 weeks.

Otoplasty is a cosmetic ear surgery that should be performed by plastic surgeons, as it is an aesthetic procedure that alters the shape, position, and size of the ears. Additionally, prominent ear surgery is a highly personal procedure that you should choose to undergo only for yourself, to achieve your ideal facial image.

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