Mommy Makeover
Abdominoplasty Corrects Many Postpartum Issues Women Face
A slim waist and firm abdomen are among the most significant indicators of youth and body health. Conditions like postpartum changes and frequent weight fluctuations can cause the abdominal muscles and skin to loosen and sag. When the abdominal muscles lose volume and the distance between the two rectus muscles widens, this is referred to as rectus diastasis. In everyday life, this appears as a protruding abdominal wall. Loose skin on the abdomen, stretch marks, weakened muscles, and a bulging belly commonly occur after two or more pregnancies. With abdominoplasty, the abdominal wall muscles are strengthened, and the sagging, fatty, and stretched skin is removed, resulting in a firmer abdomen and a slimmer waist.
In addition to providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance, abdominoplasty positively impacts body health. Although known as a cosmetic procedure, it can alleviate postpartum complaints such as back pain and urinary incontinence. A study published in the March 2018 issue of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported a significant reduction in urinary incontinence complaints within six weeks after surgery. Furthermore, back pain complaints also decreased during the first six months post-surgery. Abdominoplasty, which plays an essential role in mommy makeover procedures, helps mothers regain their self-confidence, both aesthetically and health-wise.
I do not recommend undergoing abdominoplasty immediately after childbirth. Instead, you should regain your ideal weight before considering the procedure. Excess weight poses risks for all surgeries and hinders achieving the desired aesthetic goals in abdominoplasty. As with all planned cosmetic surgeries, smoking should be stopped at least three weeks before abdominoplasty. Additionally, in the last week before surgery, all blood-thinning supplements, weight-loss pills, and herbal products such as green tea and cherry stems should be avoided.
Contrary to common belief, abdominoplasty is not a highly painful procedure. Thanks to the local anesthesia applied during surgery to all incisions and abdominal muscles, patients experience minimal pain in the early stages. Postoperative pain can be managed with painkillers. After surgery, a compression garment is worn, and patients are fed and encouraged to stand up four hours post-surgery. For the first week, walking slightly bent forward is recommended to avoid strain on the stitches. Since all stitches are internal, there is no need for removal. Patients can return to daily activities a week after surgery, resume light sports three weeks later (excluding abdominal exercises), and return to all sports activities six weeks after surgery.
The results of abdominoplasty are permanent, but weight fluctuations or another pregnancy may cause slight changes. However, the abdomen will never return to its original pre-surgery state.
Mommy Makeover : Breast Lifting and Augmentation
In today's world, as women play a more active role in professional life, the average age of motherhood has shifted to between 30 and 40 years. After completing their education and building successful careers, women may decide to have children and later face unwanted changes in their bodies. A bloated stomach, fat accumulation in the lower abdomen, and sagging, deflated breasts can be distressing for women who take pride in their appearance. Issues that cannot be resolved with diet and exercise can often be addressed through plastic surgery. Women like Angelina Jolie and Michelle Monaghan, considered among the world's most beautiful, are also known to have undergone these procedures. Mommy makeover surgeries are among the most sought-after treatments in plastic and aesthetic surgery, helping mothers regain their pre-pregnancy bodies even after having children.
Mommy makeover surgeries include abdominoplasty, breast lifting and augmentation, breast reduction, and liposuction. These surgeries are not typically for first-time mothers but are particularly necessary for women who have had multiple pregnancies. They are generally recommended for women who do not plan to have more children.
Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, breasts that become full and firm may begin to lose volume after breastfeeding. This loss in breast volume is often accompanied by loose skin, displacement of the nipples, and sagging. In women with significant pre-pregnancy breast volume, the tissue may become loose and saggy without a loss of volume. In such cases, breast reduction and lifting surgeries can reshape the breasts. For sagging breasts with insufficient volume, the nipples are repositioned to their ideal location, excess skin is tightened, and breast volume can be restored with silicone implants or fat injections.
I do not recommend undergoing abdominoplasty or breast surgeries immediately after childbirth. These procedures should be performed at least six months after breastfeeding has been completed. Breast lifting and augmentation surgeries are not highly painful and can be combined with abdominoplasty. However, combined surgeries are unsuitable for overweight individuals, older patients, or those with other health issues like diabetes or heavy smoking habits. These patients should reach a healthy weight, quit smoking, and manage chronic conditions before undergoing such surgeries.
Mommy makeover procedures can undoubtedly increase women's self-confidence. It is equally important to maintain the results achieved through surgery. Balanced nutrition and regular exercise are crucial to preserving these outcomes. I recommend these surgeries to all women who strive to maintain control over their lives and bodies.