Arm Lift
Is it every woman's nightmare over 40 to reach across the table for the salt shaker? :) Well, after an arm lift, this will no longer be a concern. Excess sagging skin and fat on the inner arms are often seen after significant weight loss. Correcting sagging skin with liposuction alone is not possible; excess skin must be surgically removed.
Will there be scars? If so, how will they look?
In an arm lift procedure, the scar extends along the inner arm from the elbow to the armpit and is permanent. However, the scar is not noticeable when your arms are down and in everyday life.
When should you consider an arm lift?
If you have lost a significant amount of weight after bariatric surgery, your body mass index (BMI) must drop below 25 before considering the procedure. Additionally, you should maintain a stable weight for at least 6 months before undergoing the surgery.
An arm lift is performed under general anesthesia. Smoking should be stopped at least 4 weeks before the surgery. Additionally, aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements should not be taken before the procedure.
How are drains and dressings managed after surgery?
Subcutaneous drains are usually removed the day after surgery. The incision lines will remain covered with dressings until the wound heals.
Do the stitches need to be removed after surgery?
The stitches used in this procedure typically do not need to be removed.
What are the possible complications of the surgery?
As with any surgery, arm lift procedures carry risks such as delayed wound healing and fat necrosis.